Monday 31 March 2014

Blog Of The Month!

As it is the last day of the month, instead of doing my Blog Of The Day as usual. I'm doing my very first Blog Of The Month!

As my follower count grows I'm finding it harder and harder to pick from all these beautiful and thought provoking blogs that make me ohh and ahh, which is why I have a Blog Of The Day if I'm honest, I fall in love with blogs so easily and so hopelessly. Anywho, I'm going off on a tangent, my very first Blog Of The Month is..... (Epic Drum Roll)

Jessica Casillas

This beautiful lady Jessica Casillas made me completely fall in love with her blog from the first click, I scrolled and scrolled until I'd read myself silly on her wonderful posts. Her posts are of a wide variet, it's not just beauty reviews, or film reviews, or lust lists, or personal posts, it's all of those things and more! It's varied, exciting and utterly enticing. Follow this wonderful blog here


  1. Such a lovely idea for a post, I love that you share the love for other bloggers :)

    1. Awh thank you so much beautiful! I'm a very excitable person and when I love something I get the urge to shout it from the roof tops! Plus I think it's a good oppurtunity to show other bloggers that there blogs are being read and appreciated, cause really thats why we're all here isn't it? Anyway I'm rambling (Typically)!! :) xx

  2. Trusting your word, now following!

    1. So glad that my lovely followers trust my judgement! You wanted be disappointed she's a star! As are you!

  3. Replies
    1. No problem lovely! Thank you for having such an inspiring blog! <3

  4. I love how you help promote other blogs :) I completely agree,Jessica is lovely and I'm always popping over to her blog.xx

    1. She is! Thank you! I don't like it when bloggers only care about getting followers but not that people behind the number if that makes sense, I follow some amazing blogs and they deserve recognition, I've got a list as long as my arm of people who will be my Blog Of The Day! You should watch this space ;) HINT xx

    2. aww thanks Kim :) - I completely agree with you if that hint is for Kim, her blog is so amazing! As is yours :) I just love the blogging community so much, everyone is so lovely :) xx

  5. Hi dear, you do have a fabulous blog and great post, I hope we can follow each other, if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back. xoxo
