Friday 28 March 2014

Friday Favourites!

I'm going to start putting a weekly piece on my blog called 'Friday Favourites' it's going to do exactly what it says on the tin tell you my favourite somethings, I get easily obsessed with things, so it should be quite fun to see where this goes!


Make-Up Brand           -Urban Decay
Film Genre                    -Horror/Thriller/Slasher
Book Genre                  -Young Adult / Teen Fiction
Male TV Character       - Stiles Stilinski / Damon Salvatore
Female TV Character    - Veronica Mars / Lorelai Gilmore
Male Film Character      - Peeta Mellark
Female Film Character   - Katniss Everdeen
Male Book Character    - Myrnin
Female Book Character - Eve Rosser

Thats it for today's favourites! As you can see I have a bit of trouble making up my mind YIKES. If there is anything in particular you want to know my favourite of next week then comment comment comment.

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