Thursday 20 March 2014

Why am I here?

Anyone who knows me knows that my ultimate aspiration is to be a writer. Not so long ago, I told someone I was an 'aspiring writer' and was given some of the best advice I have ever received. I was told to stop aspiring and be a writer. Sounds simple right? But it wasn't, not to me at least. Thinking about it in that moment, I realized it made perfect sense. Sitting and dreaming of becoming a writer didn't achieve anything, writing however did, it brought me closer to my goal. I then received my second tid bit of potentially life changing advice, start a blog, write reviews, write stories, write script. So that's what I'm doing, I have just published my first review on my new blog. I would appreciate it if people could read it, like/comment/share whatever. Pleaseeeee (:

As I'm So new to this, I'm currently trying to sort out a blog lovin' account. Eek confusing. Luckily I'm phenomenal at research, which is probably how I'll spend my evening, anyway here is my blog lovin' link beautiful people.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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