Wednesday 10 September 2014

World Suicide Prevention Day 2014

We live in a world that makes suicide a taboo subject to discuss, a world that believes if we ignore depression and suicide they will no longer be a problem. I believe the longer we ignore depression and suicide, the more of a problem we create,

Today, Wednesday the 10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day 2014, and I am not alone.

Suicide is something that we as a society don't hear about everyday and that we don't see the aftermath of all the time, but it's a huge issue within our society. Suicide is often seen as an act of a cowardice which I find remarkably ludicrous. I don't see the cowardice in someone feeling like they have no reason to live. Depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies aren't as easily diagnosed as cancer, or heart disease, but they are as equally life threatening. A lot of people suffering from depression or other illnesses, or situations that lead them to feel suicidal aren't wearing their hurt on their faces every day, part of the suffering is the masking it from the people around you, the fear to tell anyone how you're really feeling.

"What if they laugh at me?" "What if they think I just want attention?" "What if I don't have a reason to be depressed?" "I'm just a bit sad."

These thoughts are what keep sufferers isolated, so I'm here to tell anyone who may be following me, know me, or have any chance to see this, talk to me, tell me, open up to me. I won't laugh at you. Not everyone has a reason to feel depressed, you could have a perfect life and still struggle with suicidal thoughts, you do not have to justify how you are feeling to anyone. These are your emotions, your thoughts and you have every right to think and feel them. Who am I or anyone else to tell you what is worthy of depression?

Anyone can suffer with depression. Below are a few statistics that I pulled from a video called World Suicide Prevention Day 2014 PSA Bullies Keep Out.

  • The annual number of youth (ages 10-24) suicides each year - 4,600 people.
  • The percentage of youth suicides that include a fire arm - 45%
  • The percentage of youth suicides that include suffocation - 40%
  • The percentage of youth suicides that include poisoning - 8 %
  • The percentage of student graded 9-12 who reportedly seriously considered suicide - 16 %
This is something that has been in the news and most of our hearts recently after the loss of Robin Williams. There are many people suffering with suicidal thoughts every day who don't get this amount of media attention. Robin Williams took his own life because he didn't see the substance in himself that several of us saw in him. Even in his death he has helped millions by spreading awareness about suicide.

FALSE: People who talk about suicide won't really do it. 
Almost everyone who commits or attempts suicide has given some clue or warning. Do not ignore suicide threats. Statements like "you'll be sorry when I'm dead," "I can't see any way out," — no matter how casually or jokingly said may indicate serious suicidal feelings.
FALSE: Anyone who tries to kill him/herself must be crazy. 
Most suicidal people are not psychotic or insane. They must be upset, grief-stricken, depressed or despairing, but extreme distress and emotional pain are not necessarily signs of mental illness.
FALSE: If a person is determined to kill him/herself, nothing is going to stop them. 
Even the most severely depressed person has mixed feelings about death, wavering until the very last moment between wanting to live and wanting to die. Most suicidal people do not want death; they want the pain to stop. The impulse to end it all, however overpowering, does not last forever.
FALSE: People who commit suicide are people who were unwilling to seek help
Studies of suicide victims have shown that more than half had sought medical help in the six months prior to their deaths.
FALSE: Talking about suicide may give someone the idea. 
You don't give a suicidal person morbid ideas by talking about suicide. The opposite is true — bringing up the subject of suicide and discussing it openly is one of the most helpful things you can do.

Smile at everyone, be kind to everyone, strangers and loved ones alike. Take any suicidal talk or behavior seriously, this is a cry for help.

Suicide warning signs.

Talking about suicide
Any talk about suicide, dying, or self-harm, such as "I wish I hadn't been born," "If I see you again..." and "I'd be better off dead."
Seeking out lethal means
Seeking access to guns, pills, knives, or other objects that could be used in a suicide attempt.
Preoccupation with death
Unusual focus on death, dying, or violence. Writing poems or stories about death.
No hope for the future
Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and being trapped ("There's no way out"). Belief that things will never get better or change.
Self-loathing, self-hatred
Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame, and self-hatred. Feeling like a burden ("Everyone would be better off without me").
Getting affairs in order
Making out a will. Giving away prized possessions. Making arrangements for family members.
Saying goodbye
Unusual or unexpected visits or calls to family and friends. Saying goodbye to people as if they won't be seen again.
Withdrawing from others
Withdrawing from friends and family. Increasing social isolation. Desire to be left alone.
Self-destructive behavior
Increased alcohol or drug use, reckless driving, unsafe sex. Taking unnecessary risks as if they have a "death wish."
Sudden sense of calm
A sudden sense of calm and happiness after being extremely depressed can mean that the person has made a decision to commit suicide.
Support & helplines:

For suicide prevention tips -

Getting help with suicidal thoughts UK -

Getting help with suicidal thoughts USA -

For information on how to help yourself -

If you would like to know how to get help in your country/area please contact me and I will do whatever I can to find this information for you.

Show your support today by wearing yellow or writing the word love on your wrist, I have.

Today, Wednesday the 10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day 2014, and you are not alone.

Monday 25 August 2014

Autumn is my season.

So, as everyone knows, Autumn is my season. With it only being 26 days away, I'm getting so excited that I might aswell be shaking and peeing like a puppy eyeing a new chew toy.

Idk why anyone would not like Autumn, I mean whats not to like? Firstly, the weather, dense misty fog that makes you feel like you're Sherlock Holmes or like you're appearing in a personal rendition of wuthering heights. There's also cold fast rain, the beautiful kind that bounces of the pavement and leaves it looking picturesque and glossy.

Secondly, what the weather leads to. Walking around in all the fog and rain means one thing - cosy clothing. Big jumpers with long sleeves I can pull onto my hands, wooly hats that keeps your ears toastie, cute glove and scarf sets and pretty umbrellas (mine is COVERED in little bats!).

Thirdly, hot beverages. Cold weather means hot beverages. Idk about anyone else but I fucking love coffee, I'll take it however you give it me. I'll drink it, snort it, inject it, fuck it why stop there just give me coffee in an I.V but Autumn is the perfect time of year to sneak in those hot chocolates of all flavours with squirts of whipped creams and calorie ridden marshmallow and flakes, sit by the fire with a book, perfect. Ofcourse why should hot drinks just be brews? All of a sudden hot alcohol becomes a thing. Going to the pub for a warm alcoholic cocktail? Hell yes.

Fourthly, food. Stews, soups, meats, Mmmm. Anything you can cook in a slow cooker and serve with buttery bread is an Autumn winner. Steak stew with dumplings, mash & gravy, oh baby.

Fithly, THE LEAVES. Crunchy colorful leaves. This time of year means the trees look beautiful, enchanting in fact. All the colours and the sounds of the leaves crunching under my dr martens. Yes yes.

Sixthly, (& quite possibly most importantly) HALLOWEEN. I'll give you a minute to calm down. Thats right. Halloween. I love Halloween, live for it even. Pumpkin carving, candles, dressing up, parties, sweets, I mean I favour any holiday that means I got to don a cooky costume, but, as a practing wiccan all hallows eve excites me. The day when the veil between the living and the dead becomes the thinnest. Hauntingly beautiful. Also, as the biggest Horror movie enthusiast of all time, it's an amazing excuse to get cosy & watch some classic horror, thriller and slasher flicks & ofcourse leave room for some cooky Tim Burton. Oh and just to add to the fun this halloween, I'M GETTING MARRIED. I can not wait for my halloween happily ever after.

So yeah thats just a few of the reasons I am so irriversably in love with Autumn.

Sunday 3 August 2014

The Race For Life - So much more than a start & a finish line..

Gonna have a bash at my second lifestyle post, I really enjoyed writing my last one, and it seems to have drummed up a lot of views, so maybe people don't mind reading my opinions on everything?

I am really big into my charity work, voluntary work, fundraising etc. In general I just really enjoy giving back, I donate to about 7 charities via direct debit monthly, I've volunteered my time to several charities, I fundraise constantly throughout the year, donate blood every 16 weeks (26 days till my next one eep!), and I've made a documentary to try and advertise a local foodbank (Trussell Trust Foodbanks are so important and one of my favourite places to volunteer, please look them up and help them out) but I'm always on the look out for a new way to help or give back and today I did something brand new that I am going to do for the rest of my life - I ran the Race for Life (well I walked it if I'm honest).

Me my 5 year old daughter and some friends from my local Slimming World group (where I am a proud member) all joined together to take on cancer.

I found getting sponsors quite difficult, I was actually kind of shocked at how hard it was to get people to donate, even just like a pound. I do have some absolutely wonderful people in my life who generously donated even though I know that in their current circumstances it was difficult for them, I know not everyone can afford to donate a pound or 2 but even if you can only donate 10p they'll all add up and who knows what your 10p will contribute too? :D  Click here if you want to donate.

Anyway, as my sponsor sheet started to fill up, I picked up my t-shirt, the days got closer and I started to feel really nervous! I'm not very fit, I've lost 3 stone doing Slimming World and my health has increased massively because I've been doing around 20 hours of exercise a week, but I'm still quite a big girl (as everyone who dislikes me likes to point out) so I knew I wouldn't be running 10k this year, especially with a 5 year old in tow, I can;t expect that of my selfless little trooper, but my aims is to be running it next year, all the way round, with pride!

When I got there it was nice to see so many other people all in the same boat who were all equally nervous! People stretchin and warming up everywhere, I suddenly forgot how scared I was and found myself enveloped by the lovely atmosphere, I mean just take a moment to think about it, every single person stood there with me that day had given up there time, there money and made the decision to do what they can to make a big difference to the less fortunate, I mean seriously how fucking beautiful is that? I don;t know about you but that shit hit me right in the feels!

It was fun, it was really fun, the atmosphere was great, there were children joining in and really getting in the spirit, everyone was so supportive of eachother, it was just bloody incredible, I can't describe it. I'm still in awe of it if I'm honest. Getting to that finish line, the accomplishment, proving to yourself you could do it, celebrating with everyone and listening to the kind words of the people you love, honestly it's something you have to experience for yourself.

Please if you're physically able I beg you to join in on the Race For Life, it was one of the best experiences of my life, you'll love it, it's incredible and hey, free water! Who doesn't like free stuff? Water tastes better free! ;D

Leave Just giving links below! :D

Monday 28 July 2014

Happily Never After

Today I wanted to try a new kind of post - a lifestyle post. I think I'll really like writing lifestyle posts, so I'm quite excited to give it a go.

Recently I've seen an amazing art campaign that has really made me think. The campaign is called 'Happily Never After' and has been brilliantly created by Middle Eastern artist Saint Hoax. The controversial poster series aims to give girls and women of all ages the courage and confidence to step forward and tell the authorities about their sufferings. These phenomenal posters are appropriately captioned at the bottom with the words 'When did he stop treating you like a princess?'.

This campaign shows that anyone can be a victim, even our beloved and heavily idealized Disney princesses.

This series follows a similarly themed poster set by the same artist entitled 'The Princest Diaries' this series depicts many beloved Disney Princess's kissing their own dads. They're shown with their eyes wide open in terror. Much like with 'Happily Never After' the series hopes to bring anyone suffering sexual abuse the strength to come forward and report their abuse. These posters are coupled with a shocking statistic ' 46% of minor who are raped are victims of family members'.

Both 'Happily Never After' and 'The Princest Diaries'  have really made me think about the world we live in. As a past long term sufferer of spousal domestic violence, I feel these campaigns are extremely important. Abuse comes in many forms, it's easy as a victim to believe that if you're not being physically attacked, then you aren't suffering from abuse, however that's not the case. Abuse comes in many forms whether it be emotional, psychological, sexual or physical. If you feel unsafe in any way you are a victim of abuse. Emotional/psychological abuse is one that is the hardest as a victim to identify, it's easy as a victim to convince yourself you aren't being abused. Thoughts such as 'he didn't call me fat to be mean, he was just being honest with me,' 'He isn't being controlling he just doesn't want me seeing my friends or family because they're unfair and don't like him.' can easily cloud our own judgement of a situation. Abuse doesn't have to come from a spouse, abuse can come from a parent, a friend or a family member. Abuse is never ok, you should never be made to feel like your emotions and opinions aren't valid - they are.

In my personal situation the abuse came from an ex spouse, I always felt much more like the problem than a victim; I had myself convinced it was my own fault. 'He didn't mean to bust my nose, I know he doesn't like me talking whilst he's watching Doctor Who..' These thoughts imprisoned me in an awful relationship and it took me years to break free of them. I suffered physical abuse, it was awful, having to lie for him. I wish I'd kept track of how many times I'd 'accidentally hit myself with the cupboard door' because looking back the fact that I'd protected him and lied for him seems ludicrous, why did I waste energy I didn't have protecting a 'man' who had no interest in my protection? More exhausting than the physical abuse however was the emotional abuse, the scary thing about emotional abuse is doubting yourself, doubting everything, you end up hating yourself. You spend x amount of time being made to feel unimportant, being made to feel like how you feel and who you are is less important than how your abuser want you to feel and who they want you to be. I broke free of my abuser over 4 years ago now and I still have niggling thoughts in the back of my mind, I'm quick to blame myself for other people's short comings and this is something I'll always have to work on, but  the amount of positives that have come from me freeing myself are incredible.

To know me as I am now, you would never label me 'victim' wanna know why? Because I'm not a victim, I was a victim yes, but that has never been all I am. I'm strong, I'm loud, I'm defiant, I'm motivated and dedicated, I love halloween, I like bubble baths and books (preferably with rubber ducks), I like my music loud and my coffee hot. I laugh too much and I smile like a loon. 5 years ago, this wasn't me at all. I was scared and small and alone, I didn't have a relationship with my family or friends or anyone really, it was just me. That's exactly how my abuser wanted it. Breaking free of him was terrifying, but it was the best decision I ever could have made for myself. I know who I am now, I'm Dominique Peppiatt, soon to be Dominique Thorpe, I'm a mother and a fiancee, I'm a friend, a student, a barista, a colleague, a daughter, a sister, an auntie & a god parent, I am all those things because I allowed myself to be 5 years ago when I walked away from the person who only allowed me to be one thing - a victim.

If you are suffering any form of abuse I urge you to please report it, I don't know you, but I know there is nothing you could have done to deserve being in the position you are in. YOU deserve better, YOU are worth more, YOU are more. It's not just name calling, it wasn't just  one time and your abuser is not sorry enough to justify you protecting them. You may feel alone, you may have no one to turn to but I promise you there is help available. That first step, making the choice to come forward, will be the hardest one you will take. Make that step, you deserve the life you are envisioning and you will get it.

Imagine someone you love in your exact situation, do you think they deserve it? Would you protect their attacker as quickly as you protect your own? Learn to love yourself the way you love others.

I am an ear to anyone suffering who needs a shoulder or a friend, you are not alone, not now, not tomorrow, not next week.YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Saturday 21 June 2014


Say goodbye to cellulite with this home made cellulite scrub.

Not only does it reduce cellulite (with regular use) it smells like someone bottle heaven.

This wonderful scrub only contains 4 ingredients! :)

Why it works:-

The secret ingredient is the coffee. Caffeine is effective in promoting circulation and fighting cellulite, this is why it's regularly found in spa treatments.


1/4 cup sugar/sea salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup coffee granules (Mmmmm) 


  • Mix together the brown sugar, the coffee granules/fresh ground coffee and salt or sugar (depending on personal preference).
  • Add the Olive oil and stir thoroughly until all ingredients are combined.
  • Place in a clean jar and fasten tightly, to preserve the life of your mixture for as long as possible,

How to use it:-

  • When your in the shower massage well in a circular motion on the parts of your body you want to reduce the cellulite on.
Things to know about cellulite:-

  • Cellulite is super common, in all people, regardless off shape, size or body type.
  • Avoiding "fatty foods" reduces cellulite.
  • Cellulite forms when fat cells beneath the skin enlarge, restricting the blood flow and circulation, thus causing fluid buildup that enlarges the fat cells. Causing a bumpy lumpy appearance under the skin. I know, no one wants it, yuck cellulite.
  • Using this caffeine scrub twice a week will help visibly smooth out your cellulite.

  • Caffeine reduces redness of the skin. It also firms and tightens surface of your skin through constriction, that is why it reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  • Another effective way to treat or prevent cellulite is to dry brush your skin.  Use a soft bristled brush and gently press on your skin in circular motion.
  • Take a hard look at the ingredients in the soaps, body washes and moisturisers you use daily. Do you know what each ingredient is?  Avoid toxins that can be found in most commercial skincare products.  Toxins encourage water retention and the result is cellulite, uneven bumpy skin that can be found on our bottoms, hips and thighs.
  • Daily exercise also prevents cellulite from ever forming, get up and start moving.
  • Drink a lot of water, daily.  It does wonders for clearing your skin, naturally flushing toxins from your body, hydrating and giving you a natural glow.

Sunday 4 May 2014

101 Life Saving beauty Tips from Professionals!

We all want to do flawless make-up, whether we're home amateurs, or professional make-up artists. These wonderful tips put forward by professionals in their field will make your life a LOT easier!

101. “Always keep your summer makeup minimal. Minimal and sheer makeup is the way to go when it’s hot and muggy outside.” – Mary Greenwell, celebrity makeup artist

100. “The best thing to do when you go to a makeup counter is be armed with what it is you want to do.”- Raychel Wade, founder of Cheek to Chic and La Prairie’s colour ambassador

99. Use excess eye cream on cuticles.

98. For smudge-proof eye makeup, take blotting tissue to remove any oil or any excess makeup from the eye area.

97. “A good perfume should consist of balanced blend of notes arranged in a way that creates harmonious accord.”- Alexis Bergman, P&G’s Global Flavor and Fragrance Trends

96. To prevent hair color from fading in the summer months, use a conditioning treatment weekly or bi-monthly.

95. Breakout before a big event? “Take oral cortisone a few days before the event to clear your skin”- Ava Shamban, dermatologist and author of Heal Your Skin.

94. “In order to keep eyeliner from running and smearing, opt for liner formulas that offer stayproof wearability.”- Robin Schoen, Urban Decay Makeup Artist

93. Always allow about two fingers from your nose to where blush starts.

92. “Make sure you hydrate the skin and put on a primer”- Jessie Powers, makeup artist and national educator for Make Up For Ever

91. “Balance out your shimmer. If youre doing a shimmery eye, do matte lips”- Raychel Wade, founder of Cheek to Chic and La Prairie’s colour ambassador

90. Brush out your curls with your fingers to give your hair a more tousled look.

89. To make your manicure last, apply a thin layer of clear every two days.

88. Wear white eyeliner to make eyes appear less red.

87. “Take a shimmery gloss to the center of your lips, top and bottom – this will attract light to your lips,
making them look pouty.”-Katrina Barrion, makeup artist for Giella Custom Blend Cosmetics

86. For slicked back hair, use a serum.

85. For the perfect cat-eye, “select a thin liner brush that is tapered to the point”- Pamela Taylor, makeup artist

84. To make your cheek bones appear higher, use bronzer under the cheekbone and highlighter on the actual cheekbone.

83. Before you blow dry, start with a volumizing spray or light gel to give the roots some lift.

82. For fuller lips, extend the lip line using a flesh tone lip liner. Be careful not to go overboard!

81. The #1 reason for flaky mascara is that the formula is too dry or old. Make sure to close mascara after use to help keep its moisture.

80. To fake clear skin when you notice a pimple, “Apply tea tree oil as soon as you spot it”- Stephanie Flor, makeup artist

79. During summer, “Its easy to forget that feet can get sunburned. Be sure to apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50 when barefoot”- Dr. Leslie Campbell, DPM

78. For clear skin, look for a cleanser with salycilic acid.

77. When choosing a red lipstick, you just want to remember to get one that looks good with your undertone. If you have a warm undertone, then go for warmer reds, and if you have a cool undertone, then go cooler.

76. Sunscreens that claim to provide “all-day protection” and “water resistance” are not reliable; don’t be fooled by these claims and reapply all sunscreens at least every two to three hours.

75. When self-tanning, use a tanner with a guide color. “It will give you instant color before the effect and it will show you exactly where you put the color and where you may have missed”- Sinead Norenius, founder of Beautisol

74. “If you’re afraid of red lipstick, I love putting it on and then blotting it off to wear it as more of a stain”- Pat McGrath, makeup artist

73. For the summer months, you don’t want to be caked down in foundation so try a tinted moisturizer instead.

72. Use blotting papers to manage oil and shine in your T-Zone “which are also great for cleaning up around the eyes”- Rebecca Restrepo, makeup artist

71. The antihistamines in allergy medicine dry out the skin, so skip heavy foundation during allergy season. Instead, use a tinted moisturizer.

70. To make curls last, make sure hair is completely dry before you begin with the curling iron.

69. To make a zit go away faster, don’t pick at it. The bacteria on your fingeres will create more redness.

68. Use an exfoliater to get rid of dead skin but limit yourself to 2-3 times a week so you don’t dry out your skin.

67. Always wash your makeup off before bed. “That morning-after look has never been a good one, for anyone”- Rachel Adler, beauty director

66. “Too much bronzer is a nightmare for pale skin”- Jason Ascher, resident beauty expert for Barneys New York. Opt for an illuminating cream or light powder to get a glow.

65. Pick a sulfate-free shampoo, as sulfates can be harsh and drying on the hair cuticle.

64. If you have greasy hair, avoid directly conditioning roots and condition from your ear down to ends
63.”When you wear a red lip it’s important that it stays exactly where you put it. Using a long wearing lip pencil to create the perfect shape and a lip color are key to having a perfect red lip.”-Kristofer Buckle, celebrity makeup artist

62. To make volume last all day, avoid running your fingers through hair. “Oil from your hands can weigh down your roots leaving your hair flat at the end of the day”-Tatum Neill, Arrojo Studio

61. Try to avoid washing your hair everyday. Constant shampooing leaves hair dry and your scalp will create more oils to compensate for the loss of moisture.

60. Always use a moisturizer with SPF in the morning. Even in the winter!

59.”Go for a trim every 6-8 weeks to ensure you have no damaged ends making your hair look unhealthy”- Nick Arrojo, Arrojo Studio (and the man who worked for seven years changing lives on What Not To Wear)

58. Remember, clean brushes to fight against potential bacteria and breakouts!

57. Clean out your makeup bag at least once a year to get rid of old products that may be expired or you no longer use.

56. Winter can be especially harsh on your hair leaving it extra dry. Eugene Davis, celebrity hair stylist suggests using an Avocado Oil Hair Mask.

55. If you don’t have nail polish remover, apply clear nail polish over and then wipe off. It will remove old polish.

54. During the summer, wear chapstick or lip gloss with SPF.

53. To add volume to clean or unwashed hair, use a dry shampoo spray.

52.Change your beauty routine for Spring/Summer months. Your skin needs less coverage during the spring so you can swap the heavy products for lighter ones.

51.”I always think that less is more, there’s a point where you look in the mirror and say ‘Is this too much?’ and if you even have that inclination then it usually is.”- Kim Catrall, Sex and the City

50. When applying bronzer, “first start by applying it around the perimeter of your face and follow with a light dusting on your forehead, nose and chin”- Mally Roncal, Mally Beauty

49. To get curls when you have straight hair, use the following, “a volumizer or volume thickening agent, a curl enhancing product, light holding finishing spray”- Vicktor Stevenson, Hair Stylist

48.”Foundation should never be heavy”- Aura Schwartz, makeup artist

47.”The right red [lipstick] will light up your hair, eyes and skin immediately, the wrong one will not.”-Poppy King, Lipstick Queen

46.Use a shimmer eye shadow to compliment a bold matte lip.

45.To revive curls mid-day, “Take a very small amount of pomade and put it in the palms of your hands. Rub them together. Next gently smooth the pomade over your curls and scrunch just a little bit”-Eugene Davis, celebrity hair stylist

44.”You should always go to a hair-removal specialist, where waxing, laser etc. is their main business – don’t go to a nail salon for a wax”- Cindy Barshop, Completely Bare and Bravo’s RHONYC

43.”A little silvery-blue eyeliner on the lower lid is very flirty”- Dimitri James, makeup artist, author and creator of Skinn Cosmetics

42. “Use your concealer as a base on your eyelids”-Melissa Silver, Maybelline makeup artist

 41. If you’re not a fan of liquid liner, get the look of liquid eye liner by using a gel instead.

40. Exfoliate before applying self tanner to get rid of dead skin. Tanning products tend to cling to dryer areas.

39. If you straighten your hair with a flat iron, cause less heat damage by letting hair air-dry. The less heat, the better!

38. To minimize pores, use a pore-minimizing facial wash followed by a toner. Make sure the toner is alchohol-free so it won’t dry out your skin.

37. The healthier you are, the healthier your hair! Take a daily multi-vitamin with Biotin to help hair grow.

36.To mask split ends, use an iron to straighten ends and then apply a hair repair cream.

35.There are always cheap, natural and effective homemade beauty recipes.

34.To fix brassy hair color, use a color-depositing shampoo with purple tones. For unwanted redness, use a color-depositer with a green tone.

33. To cover up roots in a hurry, use a dry shampoo spray for your hair color. If you don’t keep this product around, use eyeshadow (in a shade closest to your hair color) for a quick fix.

32. Get a “dewy glow” using a highlighter or illuminator above your cheekbones and on the browbone.

31. To contour cheeks, use a matte powder (a few shades darker than your skin tone) with an angled brush. Blend on temples and under cheek bone.

30.When using a cream product, lock it in by using a translucent powder over it.

29. Get quick volume by using a root lifter, then use hairspray to set hair. This will prevent it from fall flat during the day.

28. For makeup that lasts all day and night, use a makeup-sealing product.

27. To help you find the right shade of foundation, choose the product you think is closest to your color and try it on your jawline in natural light. You will be able to easily compare it to your neck’s color to see if you need to go for a different undertone, lighter or darker.

26. Try out the funky hair color trends without dying your hair. Instead, dust bright blush in your ponytail for the same effect. (Refinery29)

25. “Foot perspiration is typical in the summer and can lead to fungal infection and unwanted odor. Wash feet daily, and let them dry thoroughly before putting shoes on”- Dr. Leslie Campbell, DPM

24. Splurge on items that are important to you.”If mascara is really your thing and you fall in love with a mascara that ‘s $40, buy the mascara.”-Raychel Wade, founder of Cheek to Chic and La Prairie’s colour ambassador

23.”Don’t be too serious: It’s only Makeup! “- Francois NARS insists you play around with new colors

22. To reduce unwanted shine, use a moisturizer that mattifies, that way you get the moisture your skin needs without looking greasy.

21. To create a lived-in look for your hair, use thickening or sea-salt mist before you blow-dry. Follow by running a volumizing or texture cream through hair.

20. When using an eyeshadow primer, only place the primer where you’ll be adding color.

19.”Cream rouge [blush] should be the first thing that touches your cheeks when you want to project an image of healthy and pinched cheeks”- Pablo Manzoni, former creative director for Elizabeth Arden

18. If you choose to use false eyelashes, remember to use the dark glue as it will blend in with the lashes.

17.When buying “organic” beauty products, make sure to check if they are FDA certified organic. This will prevent you from getting scammed.

16. Use a facial exfoliater bi-weekly to get dead skin of dead skin. Makeup will look better on a clean, smooth canvas.

15. After using a a hair conditioning mask, follow with “a cold water rinse to close the hair cuticles”- Ursala Stephensen, Motions celebrity stylist

14. To get your braid to last all day, try styling hair that’s “dirty with product”. This will make the style stick longer.

13. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week to get rid of any product build-up that may have occured during the week.

12. If you have chipped nail-polish, add crackle or glitter on top to disguise the look of chipping.

11. Use a pumice stone on your feet after the shower to get rid of calluses on your feet.

10. Hydrate your under-eye area with an eye cream to prevent puffiness and bags.

9. If you have light hair,”put a lotion over the eyebrows and hair line” when self-tanning the face. Also remember to “apply it in circular motions and blend down to the neck”- Sinead Norenius, founder of Beautisol

8. If you often find yourself being too tired to wash your face at night, keep makeup removing wipes in your night stand to prevent a runny mess or morning break out.

7. Pop 1-2 Advil before going waxing to prevent pain.

6. The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is to exfoliate,”which rids the skin of dead cells and allows the hair to break through the surface”- Marlena Ramoy, Bliss Spa Esthetician

5. Carrots are good for the hair. A healthy diet leads to a beautiful you.

4.”The best time to apply creams is after the shower, as the skin has been de-oiled.”- Dr. Stephen P. Bracci

3. Replace mascara and liquid eyeliner after three to four months.

2. To keep hair color vibrant longer, use shampoos and conditioners formulated for colored hair.

1. Use a cream or milk cleanser to wash your face. Creams are less drying than gels.

Monday 21 April 2014

10 Overnight Beauty Tips.

By the end of this post there will be whole new meaning behind the term 'beauty sleep'. Sleeping beauty puts us all to shame, who wakes up looking that flawless? Not me. If you follow these simple beauty tips, you'll feel like the star of your own exotic Disney Movie!

Soft Feeties!

We all have killer strappy heels that make our legs look fantastic! But if our feet aren't up to scratch then it ruins the entire look! How do you combat that? Easily! When your climbing into your comfy bed, put a layer of Vaseline on the soles of your feet, pop on some cosy socks and curl up. When you wake up the next morning your feet will be ready to show off! The socks help bind the moisture to your feet!

De-Puff Those Pretty Eyes.

Is there anything worse than waking upto puffy eyes? I think not! Not to worry, easy to combat! Sleep with an extra pillow and lie on your back. It allows the fluid in your eyes to drain better and minimizes puffyness! Also don't forget your eye creams, invest in one that lists caffeine as an ingredient, it helps keep fluid moving! 

Beautiful Waves? 

I hated seeing other people with beautiful waves, made me so jealous, until I learnt this neat little trick. Either wash your hair and leave it to go damp, or lightly spray it with some water. When the hair is damy, either braid or twist it, depending on your preferred type of curl! (I like to twist it) wake up to beautiful wavy locks that will have everyone coeting your locks! Bedhead never looked so good.

Moisturise. Moisturise. Moisturise.

Ladies with dry skin? No need to thank me for this life saving tip. Invest in a dehumidifier. Sounds crazy I know, but putting this in your bedrooom will make all the difference. It infuses the dry air with moisture which plumps your skin and leaves your face hydrated!

Too Young To Worry About Wrinkles?

Think again. You're never too young to start protecting your skin from those silly little creases. Cotton pillows cause creases in your skin that will quickly turn into wrinkles! Treat yourself and your face to silk or satin pillow cases, it will do wonders for your face and decrease your risk of wrinkles!

Pearly Whites?

If you want whiter teeth simply brush your teeth with baking soda, leave it on for 5-6 minutes before thoroughly rinsing! Why should I do this at night? because you can't eat or drink for at least 50 minutes after doing this, which makes it a perfect night time routine. Make sure you only do this once per week to preserve your tooth enamel.

Brighten Your Skin.

Skin products that contain retinol are vitamin c are best applied or night, because believe it or not, sunlight can actually deactivate them and stop them working to their full potential.

Lengthen Lashes.

I think we all covet those luscious movie star lashes, without the glue and the fuss. Well this simple treatment makes that possible. Using a clean spoolie apply castor oil to your lashes each night, in the morning just wash it off with warm water and wash your face as usual. Castor oil contains omega 6 fatty acids whuch help prevent breakages and moisturises lashes, you'll see amazing results after just a few weeks.

Repair That Hair!

Before you sleep, apply leave in condition all over you hair, wake up to soft, silky locks! Sleeping in it will give it more time to penetrate the hair.


At bed time, apply cuticle cream to your nail beds and moisturiser to your hands. Slip on some cotton/latex gloves and hit the hey. When you wake up you'll have soft hydrated skin!

I hope you enjoyed my my tips and they help you make the most of your beauty sleep.. now stay away from that spindle!