Saturday 29 March 2014

Contouring: Made Easy

Contouring is one of the best make-up techniques you could ever use to sculpt your face and give flawless
definition, but the very though of it is quite intimidating isn't it. How do I start! Well by the end of this post I hope your ready and raring to get started on contouring your own beautiful faces! :)

Ok so before you start contouring make sure you have moisturised and primed your face, then applied your foundation. All you'll need for your contouring is some bronzer and highlighter. The bronzer should be darker than your skin tone, where as the highlighter should be lighter.

Where to apply bronzer?

4 dots across your forehead near your hair line.
 Down the left and right side of the FRONT of your nose, leaving the middle free.

Across the left and the right side of your jaw line, again leaving the centre free.
A line underneath your cheek bones.

Where to apply highlighter?

Under your brow bone.
Across your forehead (under your bronzer).
Down the centre of your nose.
Above your cheekbones.
Inbetween the line of bronzer under your cheek bone and the line of bronzer at your jaw.
Your chin.
Under your eyes.
Bellow your nose.

Once you've applied it you gently blend it with a sponge / contouring brush (depending on what your lucky enough to have in your make-up bag! 


  1. This is brilliant. Seriously I struggle with contouring all the time and this just makes it so easy to follow and understand! I definitely will be trying this :) x

  2. Wow. The change of the face is just wow. I never do that much of a contouring but I definitely have to try now.

  3. i need to do this - looks so effective…

  4. Contouring really is quite scary, but with a bit of practice its an amazing look!!
    Fab post hun :)
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...
