Saturday 29 March 2014

Make-Up Made Easy: - 10 Simple Steps.

I think it's quite often assumed that if you're female you automatically know how to do flawless make-up. I for one can say that's far from true. It took me a lot of mistakes (unfortunately) to discover how to do my make-up just right. One of the things I think it's assumed we know, is the perfect order to put on my make-up, now I don't know about you but when I first started throwing on make-up, i just put on foundation, eye make-up and maybe some lipstick, haha but now I'm a bit more experienced I thought I would do a quick post about the best order to apply your make-up and the preparations you should make to your face beforehand. :)

Step 1: Moisturiser

Applying your make-up flawlessly means you need a great canvas to start your art on. Wash your face, than apply your moisturiser liberally. Sit back and relax for a few minuted while you let it soak in and make your skin feel soft and supple.

Step 2: Primer

Primer is a part of the beauty routine that is quite regularly forgotten which is a shame, it not only does it conceal flaws and pore visibility, it makes your concealer and foundation go on smoother and adds a serious amount of longevity to your make-up.

Step 3: Concealer

When choosing a concealer you should always go one shade lighter than your skin tone. Apply the concealer to any problem areas and blemishes, dab it on and then blend it with your finger tips.

Step 4: Foundation

Make sure to always buy a foundation the same shade as your skin tone. Apply it in small amounts on your chin, cheeks and forehead, then blend it to cover your face, I recommend using a foundation brush to give a more flawless finish. Make sure your coverage is even to ensure a natural look.

Step 5: Highlighter and Bronzer

Highlighter and bronzer are used to give more definition to your face and features and to make you look more sculpted. Your highlighter should always be one shade lighter than your skin tone, where as your bronzer should always be one shade darker. For a natural look apply bronzer along your jaw line, and blend highlighter around your cheek bones.

Step 6: Blush

Blush gives your face a glow. Smile to locate the apple of your cheek bones, apply the blusher starting from there and sweeping back to your hairline.

Step 7: Eyebrow Pencil

When choosing your eyebrow pencil you want to go a shade lighter than your hair colour. Nice eyes are essential to and make-up look, follow your natural brow line with the pencil to add definition.

Step 8: Shadow, Liner and Mascara

Choose 3 shades of eyeshadows, you apply the lightest shade under your eyebrow, the darkest shade above your lid, and the medium shade on your lid, then carefully slide eyeliner on your lash line to give definition. Use your mascara to coat and seperate each lash making them look thick and healthy.

Step 9: Lipstick, Liner and Gloss

Lipstick is the most flexible part of your look, you can change the shade based on your mood, outfit or even the time of day/year. Apply an even coat of lipstick BEFORE defining your lips with lip pencil, and coating with a gloss.

Step 10: To Make Your Day Look A Night Look

A few simple touch ups will turn a dazzling day look into a glamorous night look. Blush will highlight your cheekbones, add darker/thicker liner to make your look more dramatic and turn heads with some bright red lipstick. 



  1. No pictures ? ^^

    Nice tips, btw ^^
    This is my attempt on flawless look , if you mind to send critics :)

    1. Luckily they're simple enough to not need pictures!

