Sunday 20 April 2014

Ombré Nail Art - Easy Tutorial

By now you all probably know how much I love this lovely ombré trend! It's just so pretty! If you love it as much as I do then please have a gander at my ombré lips tutorial!

These ombré nails are so simple to do, but luckily they don't look it. This unique look will have your friends begging you for style tips (and so they should)!

What will I need for this look? Why thank you for asking!

You will need, as many shades of nail polish as you're going to play with in this look, this could be 2, 4 or any number that suits your fancy! A triangular make-up sponge and some q tips!

How do I get such gorgeous nails? Let me tell you! 
Step 1:

Paint your nails the lightest shade you've picked, and let it dry completely.

Step 2: 

Take your make-up sponge and paint thin stripes starting at the top of the sponge. You should do this in shade order, either lightest to darkest or darkest to lightest!

Step 3:

Dab the sponge onto your nail to apply the colours! Don't press too hard and move it gently up and down and side to side to create a seamless blending of colours.

Step 4:

Let it dry and then repeat step 3 until you have the desired opacity. (Remember to let each coat dry before reapplying!)

Step 5:

To help flawlessly blend the colours add your favourite top coat.

Step 6:

Use the Q tips to clean up any excess polish around your finger nails.

Step 7:

If you want an extra dazzling look, you can always add a sprinkle of glitter! 


  1. Love it! It looks awesome.

    I tried a different technique a while back but wasn't successful. This looks like it might be better :-)

    ♥ Kristen //

  2. Oh they look so pretty!

    1. They really do! They look like they're much harder than they are ;)

      Dominique xx

  3. This is amazing! You make it look so easy - definitely going to give it a go!

    Sarah -

  4. I love this! They look so pretty, I'll definitely give it a try. :)

    Love From Twinkle

    1. It looks like you've spent hours on your nails when it takes barely a couple of minutes! I bet they'll look fab on you, you can really experiment with the colours too!

  5. I've been wanting to try this for a while - I like how your sponging method looks like it works. Time to experiment!

    1. I hope it worked well for you! If it did post a picture!

      Dominique xx

  6. How do you make them all look the same though?

    1. Just keep applyin th varnish to the same part of the sponge!

      Dominique xx
