Thursday 20 March 2014

The Hunger Games Series: Book 1 - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Review

My personal review.

Like a lot of other recent The Hunger Games readers, I first discovered this book due to a 'Based on esteemed novel by Suzanne Collins!' banner displayed on a movie poster, and my god am I glad that I did!

From the moment I cracked the spine on this enticing work of art I was hooked. I was hooked by the complexity of the characters. I was hooked by the world she painted in front of me. Panem is a world so
vividly described that I can see it with complete clarity. The descriptions are wonderful and set an exquisite contrast between the horrendous conditions of District 12 and the glamorous surroundings of the capitals.

Katniss Everdeen, is a young girl of 16 who has practically raised her younger sister Primrose as a single mother. Her mother failed in her abilities to look after Katniss and Prim after the loss of their Father in a tragic mining accident that claimed the lives of many of district 12's miners. Panem consists of 13 districts and the glamorous city of the Capitol. The people who live in the districts live in extremely poor conditions, District 12 being the poorest. District 13 was destroyed 74 years ago when they attempted an uprising against the Capitol. Since this day, the Capitol have insisted that each of the 12 districts must offer up one male and one female tribute to represent them in 'The Hunger Games'. These tributes are all aged between 12 and 18 and have there names placed in a large glass bowl from which they are publicly 'reaped' by that districts Capitol representative. In a lot of the richer district i.e Districts 1 & 2 tributes volunteer for they see honor in competing in the 'Games'. When Primrose Everdeen of district 12 is reaped at just 12 years old, her older sister Katniss Everdeen volunteers in her place. This is then followed by the reaping of male tribute Peeta Mellark. The Hunger Games are based in an artificially constructed arena. The 24 tributes are placed into the arena and forced to fight to the death allowing only one 'victor'. A team of game makers ensure this by having many ghastly tricks up their sleeves. This story follows the journey of Katniss and Peeta as they leave their district to train for and eventually take part in the murderous Hunger Games.

The complexity of all the characters in this novel make it particularly hard to pick a favourite, but if I had to I think it would be Katniss Everdeen, followed closely of course by the ever lovable Peter Mellark, and their witty alcoholic mentor Haymitch Abernathy. Katniss is my favourite character, because I admire her and I aspire to be they type of woman she is. She displays bravery throughout the book but all the while continues to display compassion and affection for those around her, I also identify personally with her extreme and wonderful rebellious tenancies! With the perfect combination of danger and compassion Katniss is a force to be reckoned with and to put it simply I absolutely adore her.

The characters in this novel never fail to feel real, I didn't once finding myself questioning with these people would commit these actions. I believed with every ounce of my being that this is exactly how they would act. This was one of the many reasons this book always kept me guessing. Always kept me hoping.

Without divulging too much information or spoilers I would have to say my favourite part of this exquisite story is towards the end, when we see Katniss and Peeta exploring there feelings for one another in a cave, the lengths she is willing to go to, to protect him astound me and the sincerity of his emotions had me gripped on every single word.

I've been racking my brain to try and figure out which particular scene's I thought were written the best. The tense ones? The sad ones? The romantic ones? But I can't. Each word is so well written, each word so well constructed that I couldn't pick one. Suzanne Collins obliterates any expectations in her writing of this wonderful Novel. This book made me laugh, made me cry, made me place my book down in anger, however I never managed to keep myself away from this story I was so engaged in for more than a few seconds. I was practically ripping the paper in my attempts to turn the pages over as soon as I'd finished them.

The only thing I didn't like about this book, is that there wasn't more of it. On discovering the existence of the second novel in The Hunger Games Series- Catching Fire. I was completely elated I can not wait to drink in more information of these wonderfully compelling characters.

I would recommend this novel to anyone who would listen, but specifically I would say it's aimed and young readers. People susceptible to mystery, romance, tension and hope. If your an older reader and susceptible to those same things then please go and grab yourself a copy of The Hunger Games expertly written by the dazzling Suzanne Collins.

I rate this book a solid and unwavering 10/10. Keep an eye out for more of my reviews, including the second novel in this series Catching Fire.

If you would like to purchase this visit any good book store.


  1. I've just finished reading the third book, Mockingjay. It gets even better...

    1. I know right! WHAT A SERIES. I can't cope with the character deaths in the third book though, not at all!

      Dominique xx

  2. This review wants me to read the books even more! Great review a d description xoxo

    1. I can't wait for you to read them so we can just gossip for hours omg xxxxxxx
