Sunday 6 April 2014

6 Life Saving Beauty Hacks.

We've all made a beauty faux par (or a 1000) in our time, this post serves to offer some easy solutions to everyday make-up problems!

Lipstick on you teeth? Yikes!

Is there really anything worse than going into the bathroom, glancing into the mirror, and realising you've had lipstick on your teeth for god knows how long? NO. There isn't. Easy solution? After you've applied your lipstick, simply put your finger in your mouth and pull it out with a pop (just like when you were a kiddie) and all that excess lippy comes with it! :)

Ran out of eyeliner? Oh oh!

Running out of eyeliner is my WORST nightmare!! But sometimes it's unavoidable those lovely little tubs don't seem to show when they're running low on the good stuff! So what do you do when your stuck half ready with line less eyes? Easy, rub your eye brush across your mascara brush or pot, Bam, homemade eyeliner!

Lipstick keeps rubbing off? I hate that too!

Walking out the house with fresh beautiful lips is easy, walking back in the house with them in the same condition, not so much. You can remedy this easily by holding a piece of tissue lightly to your lips and whipping a bit of translucent powder on to the tissue.

Hate waiting for your nail varnish to dry?  It's the worst.

Apply your nail varnish and simply put your nails in some ice cold water for a few seconds, it sets them in seconds and helps prevent chipping!

Have a bruise that's ruining your look? Those pesky little marks are even worse in summer!

Realising your clumsiness is on a show in the form of an odd coloured bruise could ruin the potential of some beautiful outfits, and east remedy is... mouthwash! Shocking I know, simply rub some mouthwash on your bruise, it looks less angry straight away!

Got some foundation on your shirt collar/neck? Don't worry you don't have to change that top!

This one sounds too good to be true I know but, if you get some make-up on your shirt collar all you have to do is apply some shaving foam then rub it off with a damp cloth! The shaving foam takes the make-up with it!