Sunday 3 August 2014

The Race For Life - So much more than a start & a finish line..

Gonna have a bash at my second lifestyle post, I really enjoyed writing my last one, and it seems to have drummed up a lot of views, so maybe people don't mind reading my opinions on everything?

I am really big into my charity work, voluntary work, fundraising etc. In general I just really enjoy giving back, I donate to about 7 charities via direct debit monthly, I've volunteered my time to several charities, I fundraise constantly throughout the year, donate blood every 16 weeks (26 days till my next one eep!), and I've made a documentary to try and advertise a local foodbank (Trussell Trust Foodbanks are so important and one of my favourite places to volunteer, please look them up and help them out) but I'm always on the look out for a new way to help or give back and today I did something brand new that I am going to do for the rest of my life - I ran the Race for Life (well I walked it if I'm honest).

Me my 5 year old daughter and some friends from my local Slimming World group (where I am a proud member) all joined together to take on cancer.

I found getting sponsors quite difficult, I was actually kind of shocked at how hard it was to get people to donate, even just like a pound. I do have some absolutely wonderful people in my life who generously donated even though I know that in their current circumstances it was difficult for them, I know not everyone can afford to donate a pound or 2 but even if you can only donate 10p they'll all add up and who knows what your 10p will contribute too? :D  Click here if you want to donate.

Anyway, as my sponsor sheet started to fill up, I picked up my t-shirt, the days got closer and I started to feel really nervous! I'm not very fit, I've lost 3 stone doing Slimming World and my health has increased massively because I've been doing around 20 hours of exercise a week, but I'm still quite a big girl (as everyone who dislikes me likes to point out) so I knew I wouldn't be running 10k this year, especially with a 5 year old in tow, I can;t expect that of my selfless little trooper, but my aims is to be running it next year, all the way round, with pride!

When I got there it was nice to see so many other people all in the same boat who were all equally nervous! People stretchin and warming up everywhere, I suddenly forgot how scared I was and found myself enveloped by the lovely atmosphere, I mean just take a moment to think about it, every single person stood there with me that day had given up there time, there money and made the decision to do what they can to make a big difference to the less fortunate, I mean seriously how fucking beautiful is that? I don;t know about you but that shit hit me right in the feels!

It was fun, it was really fun, the atmosphere was great, there were children joining in and really getting in the spirit, everyone was so supportive of eachother, it was just bloody incredible, I can't describe it. I'm still in awe of it if I'm honest. Getting to that finish line, the accomplishment, proving to yourself you could do it, celebrating with everyone and listening to the kind words of the people you love, honestly it's something you have to experience for yourself.

Please if you're physically able I beg you to join in on the Race For Life, it was one of the best experiences of my life, you'll love it, it's incredible and hey, free water! Who doesn't like free stuff? Water tastes better free! ;D

Leave Just giving links below! :D


  1. I am so proud of u and Sally-Anne babe, i know what you mean about the difficulty getting sponsors. But like you said every little helps. You are doing so well babe keep it up. Love Kim xx

  2. this is great I keep meaning to do race for life x

  3. I did a similar race in my home town, love doing them, you defiantly get a sense of pride from it! X // BLOGLOVIN

  4. Aww thats so sweet that you did it with your daughter! Well done, great job! :)

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

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