Wednesday 26 March 2014

Ombré Lips.

Ombré is a new fashion trend at the moment. You can get pretty much anything ombré! Ombré hair, nails, clothes etc. My personal favourite is ombré lips. My oh my. What a dazzlingly beautiful look this amazing make-up technique creates!

I've had a lot of compliments about this technique and everyone asking me how I do it, so I'm going to do a quick written tutorial tonight and then tomorrow (hopefully tomorrow) I will be doing an actual video tutorial. When it's done I will post the link here :) ->

Why wear ombré lips? it creates a completely beautiful and dramatic look. I personally go for a quite gothic / 1950's / gothabilly look myself, so my ombré lips are quite vampiric, but don't let that put you off! Ok here's how it looks.. ->
(Ignore the akward smile, I'm not much of a smiler on photographs!)

I usually stick to black, red, purple or blue lipstick. The beauty of this technique is it works with all of those colours and many more!  All you need is

A lipstick (preferably matte)
A pencil liner
(eye liner / lip liner / brow liner) in a darker shade of the same colour, or a different colour entirely! 

You start really simply, just line your lips with an eyeliner / brow pencil / lip pencil like you usually would. Now this colour is your darkest colour you'd like to use, I use black a lot of the time, but you could use any colour you wanted!

Then you go back over the lip liner making the line thicker, then use the liner to come in at the corners of your mouth, shading towards the centre with your pencil. How far in you come is, again, personal prefrence! The further in you come- the more dramatic, the further out - the more subtle! Both of these looks are equally stunning, don't fret there isn't one right way to rock this look.

Once you've come in as far as your comfortable doing you take your lipstick, matte works a lot better than a silky or gloss lipstick, but by all means experiment test them out. When you apply your lipstick you want to start in the centre where your pencil has outlined your lips, but not shaded them. You do it this way, so your middle section stays quite bright in comparison to your outer edges! Once those bits are developed how you like it, just run your lipstick carefully over the parts of your lips shaded by the pencil. Your lipstick works as the best blender you could use. Start at the edges and move inwards toward the centr, then..

 voilà an astonishing, elegant and dramatic make-up technique that will have everyone begging to know your make-up secrets!

I hope this was clear! I tried to make it as straight forward as possible but this is my first written tutorial! If you are confused but want to try this technique feel free to comment and I'll help as best I can, and like I say check in for the video where you can see do it first hand.


  1. Oh wow this looks amazing! I bet if I tried it it wouldn't look anywhere near as good as yours it looks perfect!
    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

    1. I bet it would! I felt the same before I tried it! It's so simple and it's such a confidence boost!

  2. That's pretty fantastic! I think I'd do it in a much paler shade, but great tutorial :)

    1. Oh wow thank you! It looks amazing with paler shades, creates a very spring/summer look. It's honestly beautiful!

  3. WOAH these look amazinnnnnnnnng!
    You look awesome with this!

    Oh, I have a giveaway at the moment! Would love you to enter. Kelly from | Daydreams & Daisychains

    1. Thanks!! Oh I will nip oveer and have a peep!

      Dominique xx
