Monday 31 March 2014

What Are The Perfect Eyebrows For Your Face Shape?

 Eyebrows! One of my biggest obsessions! They can either perfect and enhance your look or completely derail and destroy it, but how do you know what eyebrow style would suit you? With my help, that's how! In this guide I'm going to tell you the best eyebrow style for your face shape and why! Exciting I know!

Can I just stress regardless of face shape, how gorgeous you all are. I have a round face shape and I loveee this eyebrow tip!

Face Shapes!

  Description: - Face tapers gracefully            Goal: - Maintain this perfect face shape.
                          towards the chin.                                 
                       - Wider forehead.                                                    
                       - Prominent cheekbones.                                                     
                       - An ideal face shape.                                                          

Solution: - A soft angled eyebrow shape would maintain this ideal oval face shape.

Description: - Face gracefully tapers                   Goal: - To make a long face appear   
                        towards the chin.                                        shorter.           
                      - Elongated feature from                                             
                         forehead to chin.                         
                      - Some have prominent

Solution: - A flat eyebrow shape. It's horizontal line would 'stop' the viewer from seeing
                the elongated face, instead it makes it appear to be shorter.

Description: - Face width and length almost            Goal:- To make a round face appear
                        the same.                                                      longer.

                       - Widest at the cheeks. 

Solution: - A high arch eyebrows shape. The up and down shape draws the viewers 
                  eyes  up and down, elongating the face. Avoid a rounded arch as it makes    
                  the face look rounder.

Description: - Forehead, cheekbones and                Goal: - To soften, balance the strong
                        jawline are almost the same                             jawline.
                     -  Square jawline is prominent.

Solution: - It depends on the jawline, but start with a curved arch, then add more angle
                 to create balance. The stronger and more boney the jawline is, the more angled
                 the brow shape would be.A defined sharp peak at the top of the brow makes it
                 appear stronger.

Description: - Face highly angler.                                Goal: - To soften the whole face
                      - Widest at the temples.                                       and make the widest
                      - Not as common a face shape.                           portion less wide.

Solution: - A curved eyebrow shape. It's curves will soften the angled shape and reduce
                  the width of the temples.

Description: - Face strongly tapers towards                      Goal: - To soften and balance
                        the chin.                                                                   the strong chin and
                      - Chin can be pointed.                                                prominent forehead.
                      - Prominent forehead.

Solution: - Start first with a low arch, round curved brow, then add more volume to it, as
                   it adds more length to the forehead as well as balancing out a pointy chin.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh thank you so much for this post! I never know what shape to do my eyebrows! Though i have to embarrassingly admit that i'm too much of a scaredy cat to really sort them out...plucking is far too painful and I'm scared of getting the shape wrong ;p But thank you for this post! x
    Life as a Petite // Bloglovin ♥
